F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2
washed up part 2
continuing the theme
i started in january
i started in january
a few paintings inspired
by last months work
three 2012
original painting acrylic on plyboard
h: 14cm x w: 14cm x d: 0.5cm
one odd 2012
original painting acrylic on plyboard
h: 14cm x w: 14cm x d: 0.5cm
two red one yellow 2012
original painting acrylic on plyboard
h: 14cm x w: 14cm x d: 0.5cm
five elements two ghosts 2012
original painting acrylic on plyboard
h: 30cm x w: 30cm d: 0.5cm
contrasting twelve 2012
original painting acrylic on plyboard
h: 24cm x w: 24cm x d: 0.5cm
opposite 2012
original painting acrylic on board
h: 22cm x w: 22cm x d: 0.5cm
please feel free to comment
thanks for your visit
and ooops sorry
(to me and to you)
not very prolific this month
thanks for your visit
and ooops sorry
(to me and to you)
not very prolific this month
due to builders
in the abode
in the abode
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2
washed up part 1
this small body of work has been inspired by beachcombing finds
i love the faded washed out washed up colours and textures
and find myself considering the distance travelled and
the story of each small insignificant find
i wonder about the interaction of people with these objects
and this feeds into my continual obsession with how
as individuals we leave our mark upon this world
this small body of work has been inspired by beachcombing finds
i love the faded washed out washed up colours and textures
and find myself considering the distance travelled and
the story of each small insignificant find
i wonder about the interaction of people with these objects
and this feeds into my continual obsession with how
as individuals we leave our mark upon this world
wood and plastic 2012
original assemblage found objects wire/string
h: 260mm x w:135mm d: 50mm

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